Friday, August 16, 2013


Why should I feel discouraged,
Why the shadows come,
Why should my head be lonely,
And long for heaven and home.
When Jesus my portion?
My constant friend is He!
His eye is on the sparrow,
And I know watches me.
Many times, we push ourselves into many anxieties, worrying about our carrier and opportunity which cause us go towards despair and depression. Therefore, you become very busy in order to fulfill our ambition which sometime may not be achieved. Future is not in our hand, it is the hand of God. Though, we are handling it as in our hand. Peter says; in 1 peter 5:7 cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you. We could not trust on God. Peter is assuring us that God is the care taker of us; he always thinks for us and would like do for us beyond what we want to be. We could not content what God has given us in recent situation. It is written in book of Matthew 10:30 and even the very hairs of your head are all numbered. God cares every single things of the world. He created men in his own image then how much more care for human beings. It depends in us how much we can trust on him to handle every problems being in us. God cares our every step.
Once a hymn writer Civilla D. Martin had visited a crippled friend whose wife had been bedridden for 20 years. Despite their affliction, they were joyful Christians. When the writer asked about the secret to their being joyful, the wife replied ‘’ HIS EYE IS ON THE SPARROW, AND I KNOW HE WATCHES ME’’. Such a faithful joyful response inspired Civilla to write the hymn ‘’HIS ON THE SPARROW, AND I KNOW HE WATCHES ME’’.
If God watches us then why we need to be worried on anything. No matter what is our complexion, which country we belong to, how much degree we have achieved, whether we are rich or poor but HE watches us. We should ponder about our life why we are being existed in the world. There is wonderful purpose of God letting us to be here in world. Therefore no need to be worried about our comfort because God watches us.  

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