Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Acknowledging Jesus

Mathew 10:32-33
Acknowledge: To accept that something is true;
It is true that Jesus died on the cross to forgive the sin of all human beings. Human beings are sinful naturally. Though s/he does not want to sin but it is done naturally; therefor God sent his only begotten son to die for our sake. It is also true that he resurrected from the death and went to heaven in gloried body. It is also true that he will come again with mighty power in order to judge all human beings and give rewards according to their work done for His sake. The question here what we have done for His sake?
Jesus told that he is the away, the truth and life: John 14:6
He Jesus told his disciples that farms are a lot but farmers are few, after saying this, Jesus called his disciples gave them authority to drive out demons, recovery every diseases and sickness.
Jesus is sending us like sheep midst of wolf, the noun sheep is very innocent and naturally whereas wolf is very clever and cruel. Wolf always looking for chance to kill sheep and make prey for his hunger. Therefore we should be shrewd like serpent and innocent like dove. If you want to come to him, you have to take on your cross. Here cross means suffering and affliction.
32: “Whosoever therefore shall confess me before men”
Confessing Jesus to others is necessary to be made by every believer in Christ, for it is not enough to just believe in Him, with the heart, but confession of Him must also be made with the mouth.  It is important to declare our faith in Him to others, and what He has done for our souls.   We must declare, that Christ is truly and properly God, the eternal Son of God, the only mediator between God and men, the Saviour and Redeemer of lost sinners; through whose blood alone is the forgiveness of sins, according to the riches of grace; by whose righteousness only men can be justified before God; and by whose sacrifice and satisfaction sin is only atoned; that He died for, and in the room and stead of His people, rose again for their justification, ascended to heaven in their name, is set down at the right hand of God, and ever lives to make intercession for them, and will come again, and judge both quick and dead:  such a free and open confession of Christ ought to be made by all His ministers before men, and in spite of all the rage and opposition of earth and hell.
Matthew 5:11-12 Blessed those who suffer for my sake. 
“him will I confess also before my Father which is in heaven:”
Jesus has a perfect knowledge of them, and bears an affectionate love to them; so He will openly own, and acknowledge them as His ministers, and speak in the praise and commendation of their works and labours; though they have been performed through the gifts, grace, and strength, which He has communicated to them: He will introduce them into His Father's presence, and recommend them to Him, to be honoured, blessed, and glorified by Him.
If we acknowledge Him before men, we will get opportunity; 2 Timothy 2:12
To reign with Him,
If we died with Him; we will also live with him
However, verse 12 shows that ruling with Christ is not guaranteed for every believer. If we endure in confessing Christ in our words and deeds, we will reign with Him. If we deny Him by our words and deeds, He will deny us that privilege. The context of 2 Timothy 2:12 makes it clear that what Jesus will deny faithless disciples is ruling with Him, not kingdom entrance. (. 2 Tim. 2:13 "If we are faithless, He remains faithful for He cannot deny Himself.")
"Hope for the best, but prepare for the worst." -Bad things might happen, so be prepared.
Here is a powerful passage. If I deny Christ by my words and deeds, He will deny me the opportunity to reign with Him. Confessing Christ may lead to persecution and loss now, but ultimately it leads to blessings and gain forever. 
We must long to please Him and have Him confess us before the Father! What a day of rejoicing that would be!
Jesus said  ‘’ Simon son of John do you love me? John 21:15-17
Matthew 5:11-12 Experiencing jubilant during the time of suffering. It is so difficult to fell jubilant during suffering. Jesus says , it is really wonderful thing to get suffered for the sake of Christ.
‘’The greatest question of our time is not going to be North versus South, East versus West, communism versus capitalism, but the greatest question of our time is going to be CAN MAN LIVE WITHOUT GOD?’’ – Will Durrant

Acknowledging Jesus

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